Monday, November 11, 2019

Stepping Out

Our family doesn't have a military background. My father wanted to join the Navy during WW II, but due childhood eye injury, he didn't qualify for naval service, nor would the Army accept him. Instead he worked in a munitions plant in DesMoines, Iowa, where he met my mother. I think he carried that stigma of not being fit for duty for a life time. He never spoke about not serving; instead, he told stories about working in Iowa and other jobs that he had as a chemical engineer. He was smart man with a degree from the University of Denver, a private university. He never understood that he did contribute to the war effort in his own way. He was never really specific about what his job was, but I am sure that with his degree he developed and tested munitions.

Even more since dad didn't go off to war as all of his friends and even his brother did, I respect, appreciate, and honor the men and women who did and do serve our country. That's one reason that I joined Daughters of the American Revolution. Along with it being a service organization, I appreciate the patriotism and honor of country that I was taught as a child. This last week, then, was devoted to honoring our veterans.

I spent several days making cards for the patients at the VA hospital in Cheyenne, Wyoming, only 35 miles north of us. While it was meant to be a group project, others were not able to help, so I spent quality time with myself making cards. I've always made my own greeting cards, so using my Circuit to out the stars and the other tools that I have collected over the years to do scrapbooks, too, I was able to make variety of cards. Making the cards for the veterans certainly was a labor of love.

Monday, my daughter Jennifer and sister-in-law Karen drove to the VA where we met, 
Sam, a representative who introduced us to Taylor, a sweet young woman who is the nursing home's recreational therapist. We gave her 20 packets of Christmas cards that I shared with you in my last post and another 50 cards thanking the veterans for their service. Our guide then took us through the nursing home, including the new addition that is modern, bright, and cheerful. I wish had taken more photos. He talked to us about the VA's services and their future plans. It is a very small facility compared to others across the country, such as one in Denver that just opened and is a multimillion dollar project.

Most notably and astonishing are the demographics of the patients who range in age from 20 to 100 years old, with the younger soldiers the majority of the population, all suffering from various war injuries and illnesses. 

Making and delivering a few cards to show the veterans that they are not forgotten is a very small but honorable pleasure. 

 Since card making and  blogging require much too much sitting, I've been trying to get in  more steps. While I am not a slave to my FitBit, the little device does keep me moving and lets me know if I need to move more. The best way to get my steps in certainly requires longer walks besides going from my chair to get a drink or doing other minimal duties.

I like walking in the fog the best, probably because we don't  have many foggy mornings here.

The Garden Spot takes on a mystical, magical aura with the frost covered landscape.

While we enjoy the fog, we are glad that we don't have to drive in it.

 I knew that morning as I was taking photos that I didn't need many, but the landscape was so ethereal and mystical, I had to take more.

Fall has been messy this year. The trees still have their leaves, now dead and dry, desperately clinging to the branches as if in hopes that life might return. I am hoping that I can convince the Head Garden to put the Christmas lights on the trees this year. It's not one of his favorite chores.

Even dry and dead, summer's blooms bring a certain beauty to the garden.

On another day, the sky was clear, the air was crisp and the wind brutally cold. I hurried that afternoon and finished my walk sooner than planned.

From the guest room window, this morning's landscape with a dusting of snow and 12 degrees.

 If I am not making cards or piddling with a dollhouse, I am working on this afghan for my friend. I am safe to show you because she doesn't follow the blog. I'm working with four colors and doing twenty rows for a more bold look. I wish now that I would have made each band a full skein because I will have yarn left over. Hats and mittens, perhaps.

And finally a grand celebration, Elinore's birthday. Can you believe that she if 13? Her color this year is lime green, so Hank, her horse,  got some nice lime green accessories for show. Can't wait to see him in his green leg wraps and boots with a lime green show halter. 

Instead of buying or even making their girls' birthday cards, I am making them photo album pages. They love the photos that I take of them and the photos don't do much good hiding on my lap top. 

Thank you for joining me today.

I'll be linking with Angie for Mosaic Monday

Thank You to Our Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifices

God Bless America


  1. Your veterans centre reminds me a little of our Blind Veterans centre, though it is not a hospital. There are 30 plus permanent residents and the other 60 rooms are used for respite, hoildays and for training purposes. How grateful we are for it.

  2. Your veterans card making was a monumental effort and a lovely way to show your support. Yes it's hard to think of the young men and women of today who have given so much for the service of their country. Your Grand daughter reminded me of myself at 13 years old, everything would have been about my pony too - lime green will be a great colour for the year.
    Happy afghan making!
    Wren x

  3. So many have given their time, dedication and even lives to keep the rest of us safe and free. - Margy

  4. Ann - I am sure that your cards will be so welcome - they look fabulous! And what a wonderful idea to make album pages in the place of birthday cards - it always makes me a little sad to throw away birthday cards - your pages will be a lasting memory! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  5. I am sure that your cards will be so welcomed, a wonderful thing to do :)

    All the best Jan

  6. Bless you for your card making. I'm a fitbit fan and love the reminders to get moving every hour, otherwise I'd be at the computer/reading way too long.



The Head Gardener calls it Ponding , ie. Water Garden Maintenance. We are bit late this year because it has been too cold, too wet, or windy...