First, thank you everyone for your kind words on my blogaversary. It is such great fun to blog, to make new friends, to go places where I probably will never go, visit with you all.
Along with everyone else, except
Little K Star who lives down under in Australia awaiting spring, we are all feeling a early fall, even here predictions of an early and harsh winter. Not exactly music to my ears.
There are certain signs here in the north of Colorado that indicate the season change:
- I can hear the early morning chatter of school children in the school yard just a block away
- In late afternoon the chants of the football team warming up echo through the neighborhood
- The after dark cheers of the visiting team as it whips our Huskies
- The bright stadium lights that glow in the night sky
- Big yellow school buses rumbling down the road
Mother Nature gets her two cents worth in, too, letting us know that she is preparing for the change. Not quite menopausal because she does it four times a year, but some changes are more graceful and subtle than this year.
- We have seen our first nut hatch feasting at the peanut feeder
- We have caught a glimpse of the migrating yellow warbler that flits from branch to tree under the cover of limb, leaf, and pine needle.
- The humming birds, turning up their beaks at the new feeders, snack on the butterfly bush and go else where to tank up.

- The air is chilled in the early morning. Last night I had to get up to shut the bedroom window.
- The shadows are longer, the water lilies are losing color, the horses are shedding out summer hair, the field corn nearly touches the sky and turns the country roads into long tunnels, the fields of pinto beans are turning yellow, a sure sign that harvest will soon begin.
Yes the signs are there. Some years the end of August is so bloody hot. Our schools are not air conditioned, so the students really suffer, but this year the weather is pleasant. Mother Nature shows her kinder side, but do we really trust her? She could unleash her winter change in an instant, so best we be prepared.
Out in the Garden
Heidi Biscuit is in full bloom and she is gorgeous in this her 3rd year.
I paired Heidi with a beautiful and very dark Butterfly Bush. Early in the spring only the pruned stump stuck out of the ground. I was sure that it had winter killed, a common disappointment around the Garden Spot, but then one day I spied a very, very small bit of green a the base of the stump. Trying not to get too overwhelmed at the slight sign of life, I waited and sure enough the bush had some life. I do hope it winters well this year because it will be a gorgeous bush that will attract lots of butterflies, bees, and humming birds next year.
This in Winchester Cathedral, a David Austin rose that seemingly died over the winter. Now it spots a beautiful live stem, but is it a throw back to the original rose coming up from below the graft? Are David Austins grafted roses? I don't know. The leaves look David Austin-ish, but I will know for certain if it blooms, so I'll not dig it out yet.
The point of the center garden is beginning to take shape. Early last spring I bought the grasses that I wanted to add. They looked pathetic. I was so mad for spending so much for plants that looked quite dead, but I was assured that the grasses would wake up. And now look at the pink tassels on this one. I can only dream of what it will like next year. I put off planting them because they looked so bad, so nearly dead. But what they really wanted was to have their roots firmly planted in the ground.
In my CSU test garden post, I raved about Cherry Cheese Cake hibiscus and guess what, she grows in the center circle. How short my memory is. (add that to my list,
Jen @ muddy boots). I confirmed with my husband. And yes, this is Cherry Cheese Cake. So gorgeous.
Not as tall as the bird bath, she has been prolific bloomer in her short life in the center garden. I am dreaming of her rare beauty next year as she grows tall. What a sight she will be for those who admire my garden from the road. (They can't see the pile of weeds that the Head Gardener piled up.)
I realized the other day that I always post photos of Sundance. Say "hi" to POP. Oh he is too busy eating give a nod. He is all covered up. Face mask to protect his pink skin around his eyes from skin cancer and a muzzle to limit the amount of green grass he can consume to keep him from getting either a belly ache or too fat.
I planted rudbeakia the first year here and they have seeded and re -seeded, providing quite a show, growing content amongst the weeds, happy to be alive. Smiling all summer long.
Now there is a pretty smile for you.
Perhaps the last roses of the season. I just love this red rose Veteran's Honor. I failed to mention that the Head Gardener bought a new camera, a Canon point and shot 16 mega pixels. I think I like it-- a lot.
The red rose color seems to be truer than my Canon Rebel 12 mega pixels takes.
I suppose there will be more garden photos, but really the garden is winding down. Thankfully. I am excited to see how the center circle shapes up next spring with all that I have added this year. I want an explosion of color. I will add spring bulbs in a few weeks, so the work really isn't' done yet.
Tea, Anyone?
Mother has left her job at HP after working there for 15+ years so that she can be a stay at home mom. This was the first summer that she has had with girls, unless you count maternity leaves. She had their weeks planned: Make it Monday when they crafted or baked; Tuesday was library day/riding lessons and Tea; Weeding Wednesday; Thursday?; Fun Friday. They went ice skating, roller skating, to the movies. Had fun on Friday. Sometimes I was invited, more to watch Lily. No, I did not skate, not on ice, not on wheels.
I was invited to the last Tea of the summer. The girls had a sleep over, so Lucy raided my garden for flowers after discovering my little collection of toothpick holders in the garage for my someday to be made dish flowers. So she provided the flower arrangement for the tea table.
Mon gets out the good china for Tea. (A thrift store find).
Inspired by playing dress-up at grandma's (they put on their mom's old prom dresses) and the gloves they brought home that I have on had for dress up, they dressed for Tea. Even little Lily had her Tea dress on.
Mom hopes that Tea time teaches them manners. She tries. Little girls are little girls, but I do know that her lessons will remembered for a life time.
So there you have it. Another week at the Garden Spot has passed. It was good week. I hope you had a good week.
Thanks so much stopping by. If you have time, check out
Ann's Dollhouse Dreams. (I apologize for this shameless commercial).
Have a happy Labor Day weekend. Enjoy the last bits of summer for they are slipping away.