Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A Rose by Any Other Name

Jackson and Perkins roses have been in the garden for at least 10-12 years. This year they have been spectacular. The bushes were taller and heavier with repeat blooms this summer. The only change this year in care has been more water. The Head Gardener changed the drip watering system by replacing the little nozzles with ones that dispense more the water, with excellent results. The drip system is on a timer that waters twice a day, which seems to have lent good result.

Veteran's Honor

First Prize: Prolific bloomer even at the end of the season.

Just Joey

Super Market Bargain buy that has lasted in the rose garden for years.

I've taken a lot of photos, mostly because the flowers are just so perfect and beautiful and it has interesting watching them every day here in the house change. 

Twenty-Fours hours after these photos were taken, Joey and Prize had opened up more. The 6 inch plate that they rest on shows just how big they have opened.

First Prize is especially gorgeous with her soft pink petals. Weeks Roses describers her blooms as large--indeed they are and they are especially beautiful when bloomed out inside rather out of doors where the weather is hard on them. 

Veteran's Honor: Tea Rose

First Prize: Tea Rose

Just Joey: Tea Rose

Just Joey: A colorful, rich tea rose, currently available at Weeks

First Prize: a gloriously large hybrid tea rose, First Prize available at, described as a top winner.

The last of the older Tea Roses, available at, St. Patrick's was transplanted from the front courtyard to the north side of the house where it and other roses failed to thrive--no sun, too cold in the winter. While Saint did put forth weak blooms, it faired much better after we dug up those poor babies and transplanted them. Saint was relocated just around the corner with full morning sun and plenty of water. It did bloom this summer, but I have high expectations for next year. 

Fall certainly has put on a show of color this year; undisturbed by wind, rain, and snow, the colors continue to amaze. While we have mostly pine trees in the property, we do have some color, like the hawthorn all ablaze with her golden leaves and dark red berries.

The ash tree also put on quite a show when they go through their fall color change.

I used my DSLR with the 55 mm lens set on athletic mode to capture the falling leaves dance in the wind that came in gusts to shake them loose.

Out on the open road, a drive through Northern Colorado prairie shows the beauty of a late Colorado. 

The closer we get get to the mountains, the more trees and more color. The grasslands are pretty bare this time of year.

The weather ladies predicted moisture for the mountains so once we left the gravel roads of the grasslands and head south toward Ft. Collins on I-25 w have full view of the Rocky Mountains and the ever change weather above them.

Meanwhile back at home with help of the grandsons, the HG covered the pond with a large net to keep the leaves from collecting in the pond with the hopes of keeping it cleaner this winter.

I'll let you know how that works.

Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Your roses are very beautiful, Ann. Thank you for your lovely comment on my last post.

  2. All those roses with their different shapes, colours and scents. Thank you for sharing them x

  3. My goodness, those roses are just fabulous! I still have roses too, it’s been a pleasant fall.

  4. Beautiful photos, Ann! xoPom Pom

  5. Ann - sorry for the delay in commenting - a trip to the UK and to Ohio have wreaked havoc on my blogging schedule. I can see why you took so many photos - your roses are truly spectacular, both as buds and wide open, in all their glory!


Approved by Heather

 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...