Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Thoughts

I am rather tired tonight. Relaxing to Dancing With the Stars. Should be grading, yet here I am blogging. I can grade tomorrow. Halloween must be nearing an end. At the old house located on a city street with lots of children, we had would have a hundred trick or treaters. The Garden Spot is off the beaten path with a long drive-way, so we don't get any little goblins. Hubby brought home a grocery bag of candy--good stuff, lots of chocolate. The kids just missed out. I will just have to hide it way so that I will forget that the candy is in the house.

I played with my camera last week trying to get a photo that I could use to make my little Ellie's birthday card. So here are some Happy Thoughts. No talk of snow and cold and broken down trees.

Do you remember my post on African Violets?  Here she is, all grown up now, nicely rooted and blooming.

She has a perfect symmetrical shape. No broken leaves.

Of the dozens of photos I took, I chose this little bear for the birthday card. The roses were the last of the season. 

In addition to gardening, I collect dolls. These little dolls were Happy Meal toys. 

Nicely draped, one would never know that this vintage doll's head is hiding a secret, a broken shoulder.

Leaving you with Happy Thoughts tonight. Have a wonderful week.


  1. They are all lovely as cards. Do you print them out or send them online? I usually take my photos, personalized the messages and send them out as birthday cards in Facebook.

  2. Wow Ann, these would be beautiful cards. Your African Violet is beautiful, I can't seem to grow them.

  3. love the african violets. so many of my mccoy pots were my Grandmothers violet pots. my other grandmother had them in her kitchen window. my cousin got me a pink one and it sits in my kitchen window...I have kept it alive and blooming since May!

  4. Inspiring, Ann- I've been so grumpy lately! Dunno if you saw it, but I have a post about a visit to an African violet nursery:

  5. Your card photos are really pretty! I don't blame you for giving yourself a night off from grading. It's endless, isn't it?

  6. The cards are delightful!! The African violet looks very healthy. Have a good day, Jackie in Surrey, UK.x

  7. Hi Ann,
    Thank you x
    African violets are so pretty with their soft velvety leaves and the dusky pink ones of yours is just beautiful,a very sweet and personnel idea to use your pretty pictures for cards,i love them all,roses,dolls,lace,just gorgeous!

  8. That is a beautiful African violet. I love the pink shade! It reminds me that I need to fertlize mine.
    Are you getting loads of snow today? We just got another 10 inches! Yikes.

  9. Lovely photos. I was catching up on your blog as I missed your last posts - and, wow, that snow is something! Looks really pretty but seems so early huh. We had rumours of snow in October but it didn't happen. I've heard about the snow in the US and it sounded pretty bad.

  10. what a lovely thoughtful card these photos will make, much nicer to receive than a shop bought one.

  11. Your African Violet is so beautiful and perfect, I'm quite jealous! My old house had a north facing window over the kitchen sink, and African violets thrived there. They don't like it here, however. Maybe it's the water?


Approved by Heather

 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...