Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi there. Just poppin' in to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, even if you are across the seas and don't celebrate our holiday have a great day. It's a good day to join with family and friends, eat lots of food, relax. Here at the Garden Spot we won't be celebrating in the traditional way. Our daughters go to their in-laws, so hubby and I will spend a quiet day. I will grade some papers, so some cleaning, and just relax. Sunday the kids will all come then we will feast. I have a big fresh turkey on order that I will pick up at the market on Friday, then let the baking begin.

My earliest Thanksgiving memories began in this house, a house that my grandparents built in the 1930s in Lakewood, Colorado. I remember every nook and corner and cranny in this grand tutor style home. So it is this time of year that I remember fondly my grandmother's wonderful Thanksgiving dinners, striving to cook like she did and gather my family around.

I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.

PS I have cut short this post because I have run out of google room for photo storage in Picasa. I have used up my free 1 gb of storage in Picasa, too.  Delete photos from Picasa? Now what do I do fellow bloggers? I can buy space. Does anyone buy space for Picasa? 


  1. I had space that I had bought a few years ago, and then it went sky high in's a weird situation.

    So apparently I deleted a few too many photos, and now some of my posts have um...issues of no photos.

    Some bloggers just start a new blog, that's rather extreme. I guess it's either delete old emails, and photos, or buy more space.


  2. Yes, it's cheap to buy space. It's something like $5. Easy!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Ann!

  3. Hello, Ann...found you through Pom Pom. I live in Grand Junction, moving from Lakewood 18 years ago. My how time has flown since coming to the western slope. I have been blogging since 2008 but have not used up Picasa space...maybe I don't take lots of pictures? But glad to know from Miss Pom that. Fiver will buy more.

  4. Yes, I have been buying space from Google - totally worth it :) I love the photo of your grandparents home - I bet the house is no longer surrounded by so much space! We lived in a similar home - I loved all the character. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you!

  5. What a beautiful house, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we had a very nice one. I can't help you on the google sorry.

  6. A belated wish to you for Thanksgiving, I hope you had a good time. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Sorry can't help with the storage problem either, but I hope you sort it.


Approved by Heather

 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...