Sunday, January 20, 2013

No Winter Whining

Jen over at Muddy Boot Dreams has linked up with Heather at Life is Like a Garden and These are My Colors looking for winter color  and posting No Winter Whining on Sundays. They have invited the rest of us to look for the color in our winter scapes. I do believe that our Canadian friends have more snow that we do, at least here on the northern plains of Colorado. While we don't have much snow and the weather has been rather warm and mild, there still really isn't much color in the garden with the snow mostly melted. Instead we see brown. A lot of brown. Take a look.

Most of snow has melted and the weather has been mild as the afternoon sun today warms the garden beds.We have been talking about what we will plant and have signed up for a class at the Ft. Collins Nursery on "How to Raise Killer  Tomatoes." Hard to realize that it is still January.

Do you recognize these brown beauties? Asparagus. The plants planted late in the summer did so well. I have high hopes of a few tasty sprigs in the spring.

Here's a spot of color. The girls begged to be let out, so we let them wander the garden for a bit. They must be guarded because there is a red tailed hawk that lurks about. They do love roaming free to peck and scratch and take dust baths. Happy hens lay tasty eggs.

The golden boy, Sundance looking radiant in the winter sun.

He enjoys a bit of of a dust bath, too.

Midwinter we have colored eggs. Easter eggs year round. Tasty Eggs.

What sort of color are you finding in your garden? 


  1. Hello Ann, thank you so much for visiting my blog and joining in on the "no winter whining" meme... I do so hope you enjoy participating in our little foray! It is certainly hard to find color during the winter months, whether or not you have snow, because it just seems that everything can be a little duller, however, you have shown some lovely colors here, and I am so happy to see life outside of my little world here! Cheers~

  2. Very nice photos! Love horses-- I used to ride.

  3. Hello Ann.....i've never seen colored eggs like yours. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Ann. Visiting from Heathers blog and admiring your Colorado landscape. What a lovely farm you have shown in just a few pictures. We live in zone 8b in Alabama. Today we planted two Arizona cypress trees. By summer they should spread both up and out to add some privacy along the drive. Your girls and their eggs are wonderful winter color, but Sundance steals the show. Hope to see you next Sunday. Wishing you a good week.

  5. Hi Ann, I much prefer your winter browns to our winter whites....

    And you have chickens!!! love them.

    Thanks for joining in, lovely to see you here.


  6. Look at those pretty eggs :) I can't wait for the asparagus this year, our plants did well too. Love the horse shot!

  7. I would rather there was no white in our garden, I hope the snow melts soon!! We have a few blackbirds hopping in the garden and a robin. I have left some food for them but if it snows again it will cover it. The bird bath is frozen so I am going to go out with some hot water and hope to melt it. In our Copse Wood opposite there house there is at least one Jay which I can hear and that is quite a colourful bird and very noisy.

    Have a good week, love Jackie in Surrey, UK.x

  8. It almost looks like summer in your photos, suppose its the sun coming through. I'm surprised you're not covered in snow! We finally got snow at the weekend, our first snow this winter.

  9. Your Sundance looks as a beauty. I love horses and from the kitchen window I can see all day our neigbour's horses Rens and Grandy, they like rolling in the sand too. No snow at your place, we have lots of snow at the moment but that's not so usual, because we had many years without snow.

  10. I'm drooling over the brown eggs. Sooo much better than the ones in my refrig. Loved seeing the photographs of Sundance.

  11. My garden is brown, brown, brown with just a few shots of green. Very unphotogenic. :o) Sundance is beautiful!! I love horses and always wanted one as a kid.


Approved by Heather

 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...