Saturday, May 4, 2013

Signs of Spring

The snow has melted, replaced by signs of spring. The early spring bulbs like the daffodils and the tulips took a serious beating, but some survived the freeze and are bringing some color. Another of my spring favs alums struggled with the cold, but I noticed today that their bloom stalks look strong and healthy. The grass is starting to green up and, yes, there are sure signs of spring, finally. The last couple of days have been gloriously warm and sunny.

I am, however, behind in blogging about the goings-on around here. I'll start with last week-end in between storms.

As a kid I grew up on a small farm west of Denver. My brother and I had free roam, spending many hours entertaining ourselves with little but our imaginations and the wonders of country life. One of my little chores was to collect wild asparagus along the ditch banks. We grew up eating the fresh, sweet spears. The asparagus was abundant enough that mom was able to freeze some for winter. We never saw it in the stores, so all I ever knew was the wild asparagus. No longer a delicacy, it's abundantly available and expensive. So I decided to grow my own. Last year late in the summer I bought two gallon containers on sale. The plants delightfully survived a dry winter and a cold spring. Two plants, however, are not enough to keep us supplied for the summer, let alone preserve for the winter to come.

On one of our early spring garden center tours, we picked up two packages of asparagus roots.On Sunday it had warmed up enough to actually do some garden work. It was one of those days: take your hoody off; put your hoody on.  The Head Gardener began to dig a hole to plant the first package of asparagus, while I began to read the directions: Dig a trench 12 inches deep and plant 20 inches apart? "What?" I hollered to him, "Hold on a second. There are 8 plants per pack. We have 16 plants." And so he began to dig, once we decided where to plant 16 asparagus roots.

He dug.

They watched

And he dug some more.

And they got bored.


Digging done.

Spread out the roots, cover with 3 inches of soil. Water. (It snowed the next day).  Gradually mound soil around new shoots as they grow. Wait two years to harvest. 

The neighbor's horses had been confined to their round pen, so bored with their own existence, they watched.

Billy Goat Gruff across the way stared, too.

With the asparagus nicely placed, we went on to to other chores.

There is more to plant, but we will wait a bit longer, not get into a rush. We will plant garlic for the first time. I have been hearing that most of our garlic comes from China. Enough said.

Sooooooo. This post ends unceremoniously because I just didn't get it finished, as earlier explained. 


  1. I am staring like the animals because I have never planted asparagus before!

  2. You made such a fun story with these animals watching the boring digging. It is fun but a long wait before you have your own asparagus. In our country it is about harvesting time of aparagus (May/June). We have eaten them yesterday for the first time and yes they were expensive.

  3. Ann, that is the first time I have experienced anyone planting asparagus! My parents always had it growing already in Kentucky. Then, moving to Florida, meant no asparagus here, so I just have to buy it in the Spring, harvested elsewhere. I wish it would grow here in Florida! It has taken me over 30 years to get used to Florida's growing seasons and the difference in weather conditions and growing veggies. I still don't exactly understand it! I think anyone can grow garlic anywhere, so I will do that!Loved all those animals...especially your chickens!



The Head Gardener calls it Ponding , ie. Water Garden Maintenance. We are bit late this year because it has been too cold, too wet, or windy...