Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

I had a great plan for today, but we woke up to snow, one of those quick, easy storms that comes in on the breeze and sneaks out silently, leaving a thin layer of cold. We did go to town for a bit; luckily by the time we were on the road the slick had turned to slush, but not with out damage as we saw two cars that had slid off of the road, one just ahead a us, a brand GMC pickup. The driver was in her truck talking on the cell phone and another had stopped to help her, so we drove on. She had skimmed the side of her new truck on an electrical pole. Poor lady, but she looked uninjured.

The Boone Doggle keeps us entertained. He loves the snow, but he loves chasing the birds more. The sparrows hide safely in the deep branches of the blue spruce. Soon they will fly out and he will take chase, with the birds always out flying him.

I had to share these two beauties with you. They are counted cross stitch so immaculately  
stitched and framed. I found them at the ARC thrift store yesterday and wondered why they ended up donated.

While you really cannot see it them, the angel has gold stitches and beading added. 

As Annie sings "The Sun will Come Out Tomorrow," so it will  here tomorrow if the forecast for warmer days holds true.

I hope you are having a great week. I am finishing up the Valentine projects, and getting the craft area cleaned up so that I can shingle the ballet studio dollhouse. I'll be back for Mosaic Monday. See you then. 

Thanks for stopping by. I didn't have much to share, and some days are like that. -:). 


  1. The cross stitch is amazing....think of the time it took to make those. What a nice find and they look lovely in your home. Stay safe in this cold weather. Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. Hi Ann! Wow! The cross stitch IS amazing! It is chilly. Hopefully, the forecast is correct and we'll get some warmth in the next few days.
    Boone Doggle is adorable!

  3. I was wondering what your dog was doing, thought maybe a squirrel in the tree. The cross stitch pieces you found are pretty and likely were not wanted from the next generation of the previous owner. Their loss and your gain to acquire them.

  4. The cross stitch is beautiful, I can't believe anyone would get rid of it. I wanted to thank you for the card and the thoughtful gift. I will not only think of my dad but you as well when it's blooming. I have been blessed in so many ways, and I count you as one of the many blessings in my life. Someday Jim and I will make it to your area of the country, we had been there many years ago for a family reunion and had always hoped to go back, maybe someday we will.

  5. Those cross stitch pieces are beautiful. It's sad to think of all the work that went into them and then someone just gave them to the thrift store. Glad you will be appreciating them.
    Have a good week - hope the sun shines! We're expecting another pineapple express - wet, wet, wet.

  6. Wonderful cross stitch pictures you found in the thriftstore. When I see something like those, I wonder how on earth people can give that away it took so many hours of hand work to make these things and I think the one who stitched them did this with love......

  7. Those cross stitch pictures must have taken someone hours to do. How sad to think of them finishing up in a thrift store....but at least they have a good home now!

  8. Those cross stitch pictures are so neat they must have taken ages to sew - no wonder you snapped them up. Hope the sun comes out for you tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

  9. Lovely looking snow day and I love the photo with your dog jumping up! He looks a rascal, very cute.


Approved by Heather

 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...