Sunday, March 15, 2015

Something New

I should be outside enjoying this wonderfully warm just about Spring is Here Day. Also the Ides of March, a day that the seer warned Julius Caeser to beware of; he should have listened.

Instead here I am with lots to share with something new, something blue, something old, but nothing borrowed.

Something New

The office is looking more like a nursery these days with the brooder as a chick nursery and the table se tup ready to plant vegetable seeds. We can close the door to keep Boone away from the chicks. He has a great curiosity for them.

We determined that we would plant potatoes, garlic, and onions March 15. Beware. The potatoes and garlic did not arrive at the garden center until late this week because bad weather delayed shipping back east. The spuds (as his mom called them) need to sprout eyes first then we will quarter them with at least one eye or sprout to a cutting. Then they have dry for a day or two, so we are a bit
behind in schedule. We have Yukon Gold, Lasoda Reds, and Cal White. We have never planted garlic before. The nurseryman told us that typically here it is planted in late fall and left to winter over in the ground for the biggest cloves, but he said that we will get a harvest then we can save the vest cloves to plant in the fall. I am excited to see how the garlic does.

Something Blue

The  baby Blue Laced Red Wyandottes arrived Thursday. Such little cute chicks they are.  The Head Gardener divided the brooder to make room for them underneath the heat lamp. The other 8 are about ready to go to the chicken house, so he is out there now trying to figure out how to add a coop on the other side of the chicken house/potting shed. They need to be kept warm yet,and will be in the house for a few more days until he builds accommodations for them.


Outside, blue skies and early blue dwarf iris (forgot the name) break up winter brown, sure signs that Spring really is on her way. 

While the HG tills the garden bed, Boone, the brown dog, runs with the horses. The young apricot, peach, and cherry trees are still blanketed until our tree hugger daughter says that it is okay to uncover them As yet, no sign that they survived the winter.  The last photo in the mosaic shows the HG digging up one of the two huge clumps of dormant chives for relocation.  The garden is fully tilled ready for compost and planting.

Something Old (besides me): Pop

The girls came over yesterday to ride Pop. He is doing so well for an old guy. This spring he will turn 26. 

Look at this little rock star, dressed to ride: Bicycle helmet, pink shades, camo skirt, leggings, with lady bug boots. She dressed herself.

Horses can be dangerous and unpredicatable, as the Golden Boy who was sent to graze while the girls rode, but Pop spent his life with little girls. He loves them and we trust him with the little ones.

And he is hairy. Boy is is. Sister Lucy helps groom Pop before they both ride.

Meanwhile, inside Elinore bonds with a chick she has named Blondie.

 Done riding, Lily decides to check on the egg production. 

In her tiny little voice, "Help me. I can't reach."

She finds the one green egg aside the fake egg.

 If we are looking for more signs of spring aside from early iris, increased egg production, blue skies, and shedding ponies, our country roads east of the Rockies show plenty of Spring.

Just down the road from the Garden Spot, a country road that I travel at least once a week shows signs that the earth has begun to warm. The fields, looking like a tapestry of brown woolens, tweed, and corduroy take on a new character as farmers prepare them for corn, sugar beets, or onions.

I always enjoy watching this herd of momma black Angus cows with their new baby calves, most born in early February. The scene will be especially beautiful once the grass turns green and then dotted with the black heifers and their babies.

The Garden Spot Googled

There we are at the end of town, barely in town. It is often hard to explain where we live, so here is a Google Earth image of the farms that I photographed today just south down the road from us. Most farmers use center pivot sprinklers to irrigate their crops no,  thus an aerial quilt in shades of green 

Well, I have taken up plenty of your time today. Thanks so much for stopping by. I really must get outside. 

Enjoy this Ides of March and wear your green on St. Patrick's Day. 

Spring officially arrives Friday. Can't wait.


  1. Such an interesting post, Ann!
    Beautiful photos; the one of the little girls grooming Pop is just adorable.
    The circular fields look always fascinating.
    Thank you for sharing & Have a great week ahead!

  2. What an interesting quit that Google photo would make!

  3. Lucky girls to come and ride Pop and play with baby chicks. These are great life experiences, especially the grooming aspect.
    Last fall was my second year planting garlic and it is a piece of cake Ann. Like any crop it can't be planted in the same place as the previous year and when the harvest comes in late summer - organic garlic! I will never buy garlic from the grocery store that originates in China after reading articles on how it is grown. My only problem is I want to increase my harvest but want to eat it too. Mine is 'music'.
    Thanks for linking to MM.

  4. I enjoyed visiting your blog. How fun for your grandchildren to be able to come and ride … so much interesting to do and see on a farm. Yes I agree that google map would be an interesting quilt!

  5. Hi Ann! Can you believe the weather today? SO NICE! I love Pop, the chicks, and your adorable grands!

  6. Such an interesting post, the granddaughters grooming Pop, your new chicks and the bare land almost ready for sowing and growing.
    Wish you a nice week with sunny spring weather!

  7. How neat to see where you live on Google earth....WOW! What a wide open area. And your place is so much fun for the little ones to visit. would be fun for ME to visit too! Enjoy your week sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

  8. So many cute chicks in this post...and I love the aerial quilt.

  9. So interesting to see all the activity you are busy with . Preparing to plant, baby chicks, darling grands coming to visit.. you are a lucky lady! Thanks for the interesting post. As a quilter, I agree, that aerial shot would make a lovely (green) quilt!!

  10. I totally LOVE the rock star!!! and the chicks are getting so big I can't wait for ours to get here.

  11. Little girls holding baby chicks grooming horses brought back memories of when I was young, Thank you~

  12. The chicks are so cute and I am sure they are having a ball with them. The girls of course are cuter! Made me think of my Great Aunt's diaries about my GGrandmother who always had a incubator raising chicks!

  13. Hope you had a lovely St. Patrick's day Ann. The chicks look really sweet. I can imagine how much your granddaughters love them. It must be such a delight for them to have grandparents with a farm!

    Wishing you a happy weekend! Hoping for some spring weather.

    Madelief x

  14. Those chicks are adorable! They have a toasty warm home while they wait for spring to really warm up. I love seeing the little girls with such a gentle horse. Happy Spring!


Approved by Heather

 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...