Tuesday, April 12, 2016

And So It Begins

New gardening gloves

If you follow bloggers from England, they will show lovely fields of daffodils this time of year. Elizabethd  and other always show the woodland daffodils. Then if you follow bloggers in Texas, they will share fields of Texas blue bonnets. Even though I have a family in Texas, I have yet to visit him when the blue bonnets are in bloom. When I have little else to do, I will use Google Earth to fly over the Netherlands to see the vast fields of tulips in rainbow colored strips going on endlessly.

Here at the Garden Spot, we have our own vast sea of yellow: dandelions in the front pasture. Mostly I see them as a vast nuisance, especially in the lawn. I have seen them proliferate the mountain meadows, thinking how beautiful they are there, too. Here at home, though, that thought is momentary for as they mature they will reseed and there will be even more. At the moment, though, dandelions are a cheerful reminder that Spring dances in the garden.

The daffodils, too, are splendid this year.

In their height of glory, they make me smile each time I see them. So far no snow to ruin them; just lost of rain to keep them strong and healthy.

I like the creamy yellow in the center of this one. The little grape hyacinths grow wild in abundance. 

Lots of rain the last few days had helped garden growth along.

The Eastern Red Bud looks wonderful, the best results I have had with my red buds--ever.

Which is your favorite? I can't choose. I do love the creamy, lemony one on the right end. But they are all my favorites. 

The Asparagus is coming too. You must look closely for you can barely see it. This is the 3rd year, and the spears appear to be nice and big.

In the garden things are beginning to happen, too.

No potatoes yet
Can you see baby peas?
Onions are up
New Drip System

Apricot Blossoms. We will be very lucky to have apricots.

Peach blossoms: another wishful thinking or a lot of luck to get peaches.

And so the Gardening Season begins. 

Next, a trip to Lowes Garden Center for pansies.

I missed Mosaic Monday because I had Little Lily over night,--ya' can't blog with a 3-year old around--, but I'll be visiting Judith and Lavender Cottage anyway to see what you posted. Thanks so much for stopping by. I'll see you soon, too. You will probably find me at the very bottom of you comment list. 


  1. Hi Ann! It's really getting pretty outside. I've been a little cold inside the last few days because of the lack of 75 degree days! Ha!
    Happy early gardening!

  2. Spring is finally bursting out at your place Ann! We're close but no daffodils yet. If there is any tree I wish I could grow here it would be a redbud - love the spring blossoms and heart shaped leaves.
    Hopefully you can make it to MM next week - I'm going monthly as of the 25th, it will be too nice to be inside.

  3. We've had such cold weather the past few weeks we will be finally starting to put things in the ground this weekend that can handle the cooler weather. We don't have too many things budding yet :(

  4. I love the daffodils and they would all be my favorite too! We saw a peach tree over the weekend that was loaded with little fuzzy peaches. They looked so cute. Enjoy your week sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  5. Hello Ann, daffodils are such a wonderful sign of spring. And when the earth is brown and growth slow, those bright dandelions are a welcome sight, although I groan at having to dig them out later.
    Everything is really beginning to bloom at your place. Beautiful!

  6. In some ways you are ahead of us, my apricot blossom hasn't appeared yet. But our daffodils are coming to an end now, having been beautiful. As for your Asparagus....I long for the taste of freshly dug spears, as we had in our garden in France!

  7. Gorgeous! I love all the flowers in your yard. Your vegetable garden is marvelous! I love that little asparagus shot!

  8. I enjoyed your views of spring around your place. Our redbuds seemed the best ever this year. We took a short trip up north to VA and all along the way the redbuds were in full bloom and just gorgeous accents to the rest of the foliage. Enjoy spring and your garden!

  9. Hello, I love all the daffodils. They are so cheerful and one of our first blooms. The redbud and apricot blossoms are pretty too. I am wishing we had a veggie garden. There is nothing better than growing your own food, asparagus is one of my favorites. Spending time with your granddaughter sounds wonderful. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  10. Hi Ann, it is good to see the blooms coming along there....Spring is here as well. It has been a long time since I stopped by; got to catch up. Seems I am so busy with painting, but that is a good thing! Happy spring.


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 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...