Wednesday, December 28, 2011

King of the Cats: Country

This is the week to relax. I have my house in order, though the Christmas decorations are still up. I started a sewing project today, a patchwork valance for the guest bedroom to match the lady bug quilt I made several years ago. This afternoon I dug out the left over squares and sewed them together. As with most spur of the moment projects, this one now requires a trip to JoAnn's tomorrow before I can finish it. So tonight I will introduce another pet child, Country.

Country learns to ride the EzGo golf cart 

We use the EzGo all the time around The Garden Spot to haul stuff, including any pet that will ride with us. Cats generally are not so adventurous, so we were quite surprised when Country sat proudly on hubby's lap as we rode around the yard one evening. He seemed to rather enjoy the ride. Unlike the grandchildren, he didn't beg to drive!

Most parents who have raised a daughter have had to endure the Horrible Boyfriend. Just as the youngest daughter was graduating from high school, that boyfriend sat in my living room and announced that I would love his graduation gift. I answered that as long as it didn't eat or poop, any gift would be fine. He just sat there grinning. A few days later, Jen brought home a very pathetic little gray kitten. She named him Country because she was into country western music. After graduation, the ugly boyfriend went away; Jen got a good job in Boulder, where she rented her first apartment, taking the young cat with her. The job in Boulder didn't work out, so she and Country moved home. She eventually moved out again, this time leaving behind the cat where he has happy lived for many years. In the spring he will be 16 years old. 

One of our concerns when we moved to The Garden Spot was how well the cats would adjust. Country made himself right at home. He discovered the neighbor's weed patch where he would sit for hours waiting for some little critter to emerge. He brought home two dead voles those first weeks at his new home. He is a lover and a cuddler, but he is also very demanding for food and affection. He sleeps with the head gardener most of the night. His favorite spot in the house is to stretch out in front to the flaming fireplace. I am sure that the heat feels good on his old bones. While he is not the only cat in the house, he is the King Cat, keeping the other two in their place. He welcomes visitors, granting them the honor of his presence in their  lap for some special attention whether they appreciate cats or not. The old adage that we don't own cats, cats own us, is quite true. Country has us well trained, especially hubby who spoils all the pet children. He is also hubby's little shadow out in the garden, tagging along when he goes out to weed in the evenings or feed the hens--who look at him with some suspicion. How does he get along with Stevie? Ignores him, thankfully. Stevie has been a part of the house for so long that the cats don't pay any attention to him. Country has been a gentle spirit in the house for years and I can't imagine the house without him. 


  1. Very true to the "t" story of Mr. Country. So neat that he enjoys riding with dad on the EZ go cart. My little cat Abby was my shadow. Constant shadow. Such a sad loss still. I do also remember taking Chestnut with me in the bronco all over. Great blog.

  2. The ugly boyfriend = funny!
    Country seems like a nice kitty. How cute that he loves to ride in the golf cart! I don't blame the grandchildren for begging to drive. I would, too! You've inspired me. I have a rag quilt to complete. I MIGHT do that today! Enjoy every moment of your down time, Ann!

  3. Ann, It almost looks like Mr. Country is driving the cart!! Wishing you a happy, healthy and fun New Year! Egretta

  4. I can relate.... I miss Panini! I had to leave her up in Michigan and hope to see her one day soon. My niece was kind enough to put her on Skype so that I could see her! Wow! 16 years old. Panini is 3, she has 13 more years I hope to be around. I enjoyed the story it really made me smile.

  5. P.S... Happy New Year! May all that you want and need come true!

  6. You have quite a variety of animals! I like your cat. Hope you will post a photo of your quilt. My mom gave me an amazing quilt over Christmas that took her quite some time to make. This is reminding me, I need to take more time to be creative! Happy New Year! Kelli

  7. Ann, we have two cats, and only one likes to ride in the car with us. It is a special treat to see yours riding in "a convertible".

  8. Oh he is a beauty and so great he rides with you,pets are so faithful and teach us so much about love i think.

  9. I love your cats in fact I love any cats. Hope your Christmas was all you wished for and wishing you a very happy new year. p.s. I can finally comment on your blog now that Google have finally got themselves sorted.

  10. Country looks like a king riding around like that. Cats get into our hearts don't they? Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I hope your colleague likes your crocheted ripple! Any chance of a photo? Have a great day, love Sharon x


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 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...