Finally peace and quiet in the house after a weekend of out of town company, who I always love to entertain, and grand daughters who don't come over nearly often enough. The friends brought their two granddaughters, so the girls (five of them) made new friends.
I have been reading my blog list everyday, commenting along the way, but my own blog suffers from my lack of attention. So I have some catching up to do.
Fall slides into Colorado slowly with Summer holding her hand, telling her, "Not yet, Autumn, for I am not ready to let go. I'll let you know when you can have full command of the land. Not just yet." Summer has been quite reluctant to leave; instead showing that she is still in control with record setting heat in the last few weeks.
Today's mosaic features Autumn's indignation to Summer's reluctance to leave. There are just some things that Summer can't control. Most of the trees here at the Garden Spot are pine trees that keep the same temperament year round. But we do have a few deciduous trees such as this Autumn Purple Ash. Outside she is brilliant red, and from my bathroom window, I can see her warm glow. I guess the iPhone photo doesn't really do the tree justice. The honey locust on the other side of house radiates as the delicate leaves turn golden. From my living room window, her glow shines through the lace.

There are more signs of fall around the Garden Spot. Behind the haystack, for example, grow a variety of squash growing from seeds and old squash last year, discarded there last season for birds to pick at. We have a better squash crop out there than in the garden, including the stripy ones that could be watermelons. Most of the squash are spaghetti squash and crossovers, including what the green striped ones might be.
Then there is the Head Gardener and his new toy, an old Case tractor, one that he confessed to other to having wanted since he was kid. This one has a bush hog for cutting large areas of grass. This is his first time to run it here. Happy Anniversary, Dear. (41st last week).
My Doppelganger
(I easily could lie and say that I am in such good shape that I look 40 instead of 68 or that I spent the week at a spa. Ha).
Instead I called in my doppelganger to help with the center circle project that has been a thorn all summer long.
Before: Most of the ground covering weeds had been cleared away. The Head Gardener bought a trailer load of bagged mulch. Before they were done, they put down over 50 bags and ran out.
The HG rototilled to get a clean surface (or to till the weed seeds in).
Then Heather applied the industrial strength chemical weed barrier, Snap Shot. The weed barrier will probably thwart the sprouting of volunteer good plants, but that is okay since the spot is full of thistle, spurge, and other sorts of nasty annual weeds. I want a clean look with little work. After she applied the weed barrier, she and her dad spread the mulch.
After: a clean pallet that I will have fun filling in with perennials--or not. Just a nice clean look. Of course, the bind weed will return and we still have vinca to get rid of, but at least we made some progress.
Before I left the university Friday, it was such a beautiful day, I wandered over the vegetable garden next to where I park behind the Sciences building. Last summer the university offered urban gardening courses. There are two green houses next to this small plot, which already had faded in to fall. But I was quite impressed.
Here, the gourds use the apple tree as a climbing support. The garden is enclosed with a nice split rail fence that is lined with a variety of fruit trees. I don't know much about the garden itself, but I am very encouraged that the school is encouraging gardening. As a liberal arts school, it does not offer much in the way of horticulture.
I had to take a photo of this part of campus of the new residence halls. The campus is so gorgeous this time of year. I used my iPhone and was so pleasantly surprised to see this effect. It would be nice to say that the angles are watching over the students, but I was shooting into the sun, but don't you just love the effects?
I took a second one. The flashes didn't show on the phone screen, so I was quite amazed at the results.
These gorgeous trees are in another parking lot where I parked that day. I am not sure what kind of trees they are, but they slowly turn turn a brilliant red. Autumn Red maples, perhaps?
As I cross the street to enter campus, these fire red trees make a spectacular view.
Past the vegetable garden, the campus sprawls on with the residence halls, library, and class building.
There was a time when the campus looked rather ratty, but some years ago the university hired a horticulturist to beautify the campus. He and his crew have done a wonderful job of bringing color to the campus and keeping it well groomed and beautiful.
A tree line avenue welcomes college students along with the citizens who travel 11th Avenue. The trees will turn deep red as the season continues, unless and early snow or heavy rain ruins them.
And look what we found hanging out the pond the other day. We never know what we will find out there.
We picked all of the tomatoes the other day, so the garden has officially closed. Finally. We have hopes of doing a better job next year. Too many other projects this year I guess to keep a neat garden. But gardens have a way of forging on despite neglect, don't they?
We said farewell to Elizabeth of Cornish Cream this week as she announced that she was leaving Blog Land. I know many of you followed her. I will miss her; she was always so cheerful, shared good stories, and wonderful photos. I do wish her the best and will miss her. She sent me a few scraps of lace and ribbon that I am using in the dollhouse, making the those little projects so special.
And now, dear friends, back to reality. I have some grading to do. I am loving the freshmen. We are half way through the semester and I am beginning to connect to the students. I am enjoying every single moment because I don't think there will be anymore.
I wish you a good week, and thanks so much for keeping up with me, even as I neglect the Garden Spot for a while.