Monday, September 9, 2019

End of Summer

As summer winds down, we seem to move at a slower pace. The last cutting of hay is now baled and stored. We don't have to worry about rain ruining any party or flower, or precious hay.  It was a an intense summer; now we can relax. Have you noticed a difference in the late summer, pre fall days? There's a stillness in the air. The birds seem quieter. They no longer call to each other trying to attract a mate, or scold their fledglings. The breeze seems softer, gentler, and the sun's not so intense. A nice way to ease into fall.

We woke early to a light fog over the Garden Spot. We love the fog here because it is a rare weather occurrence. We knew, though, it would soon burn off as the sun lifted itself higher in the sky.

A walk through the garden gave me a chance to enjoy the last of the summer blooms. The dahlias have been slow to bloom and not quite as healthy as they have in the past. Frankly the vegetable garden was not the best choice to plant them. You won't see many photos of the garden either because it was so badly neglected this year. We'll do better next year.

This was a poor year for the roses, too. Not enough water. We have fought with Brody all summer. He takes great joy in lifting the sprinter heads out of the front garden. We hope that he will soon outgrow the urge to steel the stakes that hold the tiny sprinklers. If it wasn't the lack of water, the heat also has taken it toll on the flowers. The court yard gets full afternoon sun, making the heat more intense when it is absorbed by the brick walls of the house. We do our best.

Sunflowers always have a special place here at the Garden Spot, more so this summer as they were grown for the wedding. Now, they are on their way out. Good news? They will be back next year.

Does the black top look any blacker on the driveway? You probably wouldn't notice. We had it resurfaced. More accurately, the cracks were filled, the bad spots repaired, and seal coat applied, making it look new and pretty.

Veteran's Honor blooms her heart out, still bedazzled with droplets of last night's rain, this is one of the last blooms of the season.

I'll miss this lovely lady, too.

These girls always bring such joy to the garden, even the wild, errant ones that take up residence without permission or tending. They thrive where planted.

Rudbeckia newly planted grew nicely. I fought weeds all summer, especially the milkweed. They will all fade soon, but I look forward to seeing them again next summer--not the milkweed.

They boys are little less active. They are out for their mid morning snack than as it warms, they will return to their stalls where a cool breeze blows through the barn and the flies are less likely to annoy them.

Sundance, lame as ever, seems to be doing bit better now that he gets a few drops of CBD oil twice day with his warm mash. While the elixir won't cure or heal his lameness, it does help with his pain--we hope. 

More sunflowers. The pale yellow one is one that was started in the green house and transplanted. In fact so was her neighbor. The the green house girls finally did take off after the wedding. I look forward to  planting more next summer. They were real beauties.

I always plant zinnias is the vegetable garden to add a spot of color. This year I didn't. This one, among others, came up on her own. That's the nice thing about self seeders. 

A lovely dahlia. We will dig up the tubers and replant in a better spot next year. 

Seemingly playing peak-a-boo, this one will be fully bloomed tomorrow.

So this really says it all about the garden spot: A blue sky, the horses, lots of sunflowers.

My parting shot: sunflowers finishing their life's cycle, weeds hanging on to the last of summer, and me behind the camera enjoying the moment.

I hope that you enjoyed my moment. 

Thanks for visiting.

If you get a chance drop by Ann's Dollhouse Dreams--just for fun.

And don't forget Mosaic Monday with Angie. You'll find me there, too.


  1. Lovely photos of your garden. My sunflowers have just finished and been cut down, but the heads saved for seed.

  2. Ann - I always enjoy a peek at your Garden Spot. You've had a busy year, and deserve some quiet days as we ease from summer into autumn. Yesterday we had 1 and 8/10 inch of rain, and today is likely to meet that mark. It's the first real rain we've had since August 22, and that was only 1/10 inch. You can hear the plants going aahhh. Enjoy the lingering flowers, and thanks for taking the time to link to Mosaic Monday!

  3. I like the way you describe late summer as it eases into autumn. There is definitely a stillness in the air. We had a little rain overnight and it is freshening everything. More is predicted for tonight, too. Your flowers are lovely.

  4. Sunflowers remind me of riding my bike at my grandparents. Small ones grew wild along the road. - Margy

  5. I was feeling stingy about the water so nothing new went into the yard. So no sunflowers this year. I missed them. Next year for sure.

  6. I did enjoy seeing all of your photographs, the flowers are lovely.

    All the best Jan


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 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...