Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Man, His Toys, and Craigslist

I hope you are all enjoying your holiday week end. Here, it is hotter n' a firecracker, 90s +. We get out in the yard early to work and later in the evening, slathered in mosquito repellent. Our friends from Haxtun spent Saturday night with us after a shopping spree in the big city. Tomorrow night we watch fireworks from our uncle's front porch. He has a ring side seat of the skyline over Ft. Collins where we can oooo and aaahhh, watching multiple displays. Granted, the fire works won't be sprinkling down us, but we will see a nice variety of displays.

I had planned a rather brief post for tonight: A man and his  toys and Craig', but there were other exciting things today, too.

Really. Do I need to comment? A Man and his tractor with a new tool, a ripper, what more is there to say? . A real bargain. He went to pick up a blade for the tractor and came home with a ripper too.  Kept him occupied for a couple of hours.

But I had my own projects. I needed to vacuum the basement cement floor because the carpet will be laid later this week. I also wanted the window wells cleaned out since they are deep windows and and a part of the room, so I set him on that task. He called me over to the window to show me what was in the well. I expected the regular toad, or salamander, or garter snake. Instead:

Aren't these baby cotton tails just the cutest? We knew that they had not been trapped for very long because they looked very healthy--scared, but healthy. We surmised that mom had them out and they got scared by a cat or the dog and fell in the window well.

So hubby caught them and carried them across the pasture where he turned them loose in the neighbor's windbreak. They ran straight for the protection of the lilacs. It's where all the bunnies run when they are scared, and the little guys seemed to know exactly where to go. Hopefully they found their nest and their mamma. They were old enough to eat on their own, so they will be fine. They had company, too, in the window well:

We have four window wells which we check regularly for toads, which we rescue and turn them loose in the yard, otherwise they run out of food in their little prisons.

And finally, I spotted the caterpillar on the aster. We are not sure what kind it is. Any idea? A black swallowtail, perhaps. I went out later in the day to have another look. He had eaten quite a bit, but was nowhere to be found.

PS: should come with a warning of some sort.

So. We had a busy day. Hope you are enjoying the 4th. God Bless American and God Bless our men and women in uniform.


  1. Oh, Ann! Those bunnies are precious! I hope they don't eat your flowers. The toad is very interesting! That is one big toy your hubby is playing with! Fun post! Happy Fourth!

  2. Oh they are so cute those bunnies. I've have on my list to photograph is a Big Grand Daddy Frog...someday I'll find me one.

  3. Hi Ann, hope you had a great 4th July and that the fireworks were exciting??My hubby would love your husbands new toy. We were at one of his brothers recently who has quite a bit of land and Phil enjoyed his sit on lawn mower, boys and their toys eh!!! Have a good week, Love Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  4. Sounds extremely hot where you are. We've a week of rain in our forecast in Ireland. Those bunnies are cute, my cats keep them out of my garden. Not sure about the caterpillar, looks pretty though. Kelli

  5. He is the King with his machine. Vroom Vroom,

  6. A man has got to have his toys! There's a little boy in every man... he looks as if he's having a lot of fun! Good for him..

    The bunnies are so cuuute! Happy belated 4th...

  7. Oh ann those baby bunnies are so cute! My animal loving son would love to live where you live! We see little bunnies scampering around the beach by us but we never see babies. Lucky you! And I never even see frogs or toads in my gardens.

  8. Never underestimate a man and his tools. :)
    The bunnies were cute!

  9. How cute are the bunnies! And the caterpillar. Hope it doesn't chew all your vegies. Naughty caterpillar!!


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 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...