Thursday, December 5, 2013


Yes, it's cold out there. Denver weather people have named this storm the Polar Freeze. And freezing it is. At 11:15 A.M. it is -4 according to iPhone weather app. Now that is cold, so I am staying in. Have lots to do to get ready for Christmas. Most of of my shopping is done. Can't believe that I did most of it on Amazon. I have the upstairs decorated--only took two days and the house just isn't that big, really. Now I will work downstairs to get it ready for company and do a bit of decorating. We have a busy holiday schedule. December 14 our resident college student will graduate from the University of Northern Colorado with a major in English and a film studies minor. She will work at Walmart until June when she take her solo trip to England and Germany to scout out graduate schools. Now how exciting is that! December 22 we hold our annual Santa part for the children, and then Christmas Eve. Lots of cooking from now on. I think I am tired already.

I have been trying to keep up with you all, commenting when I can. For now here is my parting shot taken on the iPad. I call it "Bird Sauna" or  "An Avian Margarita." You can barely see the stream rising.

Time to get back to work. Have a wonderful week end and if you are in the chill zone, bundle up.


  1. We are suppose to get snow tonight, of course I work tomorrow. Oh well.
    I have the house decorated, just have to finish the tree Sunday when Mr can put the lights on. Even got the outside done when it was 68 on Sunday...glad we took advantage of it!

  2. It sure looks cold there! And you have lots of fun to look forward to! Enjoy my friend! Sweet hugs!

  3. Can you believe how cold it is? Yikes! Congrats to your daughter! I bet you're proud!

  4. Don't work too hard give yourself time to enjoy it all - and keep warm

  5. Snow is lovely - looks very cold in your area. In Ireland we have some near freezing, windy conditions but no snow in sight (yet). Not much frost either so not quite dropping down to freezing (yet).

  6. Hi Ann, it's cold here too...I think our high coming up is supposed to be -12 for the's cold in F or pick. I really wish that we had a bird bath here, but then again, what good would it do frozen....maybe the birds could skate on it.

    Have fun decorating, I'm not quite as in to it as you are...1/2 hour outside in the sun the other day...and my frozen fingers and I came inside.

    I left you a reply to your comment on my blog, if you get time could you drop by and read it. I did notice that you have mentioned a few times before that you didn't know if I would even get to read your comments, but I want to assure you that I always read each comment, I could only wish that I got 50, lol. And I respond to each comment left on my blog, by visiting the blogger who left it, reading their posts, and leaving them a comment on their blog also. Granted sometimes it takes me a day or two...we all get busy with life.

    Stay dry, and stay warm.


  7. It does look cold, but beautiful on our photo's Ann! Have fun decorating. I will make a start tomorrow!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  8. I'm sure that cold weather gets one in the Christmas spirit. Here in Florida it is sunny and mild, in the 70's. I wish it were a bit colder here!! Have a great weekend, Ann.

  9. That is very cold indeed, but good for the christmas inspiration! We only had one frosty morning and a lot of stormy weather. Will start christmas decorations coming week.
    Wish you a happy Sunday!

  10. Awe, congrats to your daughter! I've been hearing that your area has been cold, stay warm! I love the bird sauna...I'm off to go and take a real sauna cause I'm not feel very well and I'm so looking forward to it.


Approved by Heather

 Howdy. So back in December, I posted after a long absence declaring that I was back--and then I wasn't. I've spend most of my time ...